Burke Insurances Offices

Have you got your home set for Winter?

Winter is here and we want to make sure you have your home ready for the cold months ahead. We have put together some of the top tips to ensure your home is prepared for the winter conditions and that you are conserving heat in your home, in order to keep you warm this winter.

Tip #1:

Prepare your fireplace – This involves, get an expert to clean your chimney and to check inside the chimney to ensure there is no obvious signs of cracks or damage. Don’t forget to check outside as well for any clear signs of falling bricks or cracks around the chimney. Take out the ashes, with care and stock up, with briquettes, turf, coal and wood….whichever is your preferred choice.

Tip #2:

Seal drafty windows –   Drafty windows could mean a lot of heat is escaping from your home. Get an expert to come and seal all your windows, this will help to make your house a lot cosier.

Tip #3:

Ensure you have enough heating oil – Check your heating oil levels to ensure you have enough to keep your house warm, check regularly during Winter, stay topped up during Winter when oil levels are getting low, order more, in order to make sure you don’t run out! Remember to get an expert to check your heating system before you turn it on for the first time this season to ensure it is working properly. Be sure to check the batteries or change batteries where necessary for smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

Tip #4:

Check your home is well insulated – Ensure that your home is well insulated. Contact an expert to further insulate your home, if you feel like you don’t have enough.

Tip #5:

Clean your gutters – Hire an expert to come and clean out your gutters, they could be full of leaves, twigs, and moss and you might not even realise. Blocked gutters can affect snow and rain draining easily.

Always make sure your home is fully protected, ensure you have all your buildings and contents included on your insurance policy and be sure to check with your insurance company.